Red Rose Bouquet
Red Rose Bouquet
Red Roses are a luxurious gift with a timeless message of love.
"Heart" is the name of this rich, sultry red garden rose. It is an elegant variety with abundant layers and ruffled petals can form a heart shape within the center of the rose and is what makes it stand out from traditional red rose varieties.
Your Red Roses will be combined with lush foliage, designed in a hand-tied bouquet & beautifully gift wrapped.
Ready to be unwrapped & displayed in a vase.
*Vase NOT included.
What size will my arrangement be?
What size will my arrangement be?
- Perfect for a desk
or bedside table
- Would look great on
a coffee table
- Size for a kitchen island
- Lush arrangement but not
overwhelmingly large
- Large and lush, it will be the
focal point of the room
- Wow! Jaw dropping and
show stopping
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