Classic Garden Bouquet
Classic Garden Bouquet
A classic, garden-style bouquet. The perfect choice for any occasion. A collection of blooms & accents, combined with a variety of lush foliage & beautifully gift wrapped.
Ready to be unwrapped & displayed in a vase.
**Please Note**: All of our arrangements are unique & custom designed for your order. The above photo is an example of our style but your design will NOT be a replica of the photos shown. The flowers that we choose for your design will be fresh & will be inspired by the flowers available at the time of your order.
Regular price
$50.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$50.00 CAD
Unit price
What size will my bouquet be?
What size will my bouquet be?
- Would look great on
a coffee table
- Size for a kitchen island
- Lush arrangement but not
overwhelmingly large
- Large and lush, it will be the
focal point of the room
- Wow! Jaw dropping and
show stopping